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Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

hallo :)

hallo, aloha, hola, hi, we're new in here!!
me and my sist want to do something because sometimes we're get bored, soo, some ideas pops out of our head and the idea is we're gonna make a blog!!!
gue sama ade gue pengen bikin blog yang asik, dibikin tempat buat curhatan juga boleh deh, kalau yag butuh saran ataulagi butuh dihibur, talk to me or sasha, we will make your problem a lot easier, kalau mau ngobrol ngobrolnya sama gue aja (aya) soalnya gue cerewet BANGET *hahaha
curhat juga boleh sama gue,,

kalau mau ngomongin tentang pengetahuan atau yang lain-lain *yang semacam itu, ngobrolnya sama sasha aja, bisa nyambung terusssss

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